Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why I blog

     The best line I ever wrote dealt with grape soda. A shade of fiction, based on real events, I described how during family road trips the cooler seemed to only have grape soda that as an angst ridden teenager, I found it unacceptable. I wrote about this in my 11th grade creative writing english class. It was my first genuine attempt at finding my voice. Learning a variety of writing techniques such as poetry and stream of consciousness I muddled through the semester with a mediocre grade still trying to find a good way to tell a story.
     Over the years life's priorities and the times changed. It wasn't until I got accepted into medical school that this story I had been searching for gathered some substance. The world became smaller and better connected through information technology and it became much easier to find a platform to share that story. And although this blog is only about 3 years old, I always marveled at the incredible world of medicine that I had surrounded myself with. I started to take mental notes about the triumphs and tragedies of patients and the absurdities of our healthcare system. I began to notice the strengths and flaws in our medical education system while opening my mind to envision a better, more technologically fluid world of medicine. And finally about 3 years ago, I took the plunge and started to put my thoughts and memories down on this blog. It has been an incredibly gratifying process ; an important and necessary outlet in a busy life.

“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” 

"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms." 


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